
Sammy Green is not
about to fall for it.

Do you know what this test is?
-Don't do this to me.
-Do you know what it is?

-You're a bad person.
-Do you know what it is?

It's unpassable.
What is it?!
-It's unpassable.
-I can't hear you.

It's unpassable!
-And what are we gonna do?
-We're gonna pass!

Bubble smackers.
Jimmy Carter!
No, thank you.
These are big letters.
I did the best I could,
but I'm no cribmaster.

Drop it already.
The letters are fine.

We need Applebee.
It's not too late.

Forget about the crib sheets.
This is multiple choice.

-This is cake.

What if Victor mis-sequenced
on the eyeball?

Hey! How do I know you didn't
mis-sequence on the crib sheets?

Applebee never mis-sequenced.
Who's Applebee?
-Come on!

Look, nobody mis-sequenced.
This is business.
And today...
we do it without Applebee.
You have 45 minutes.
There will be
no bathroom breaks.

You have 40 minutes.
There will be
no bathroom breaks.

When I say, "Pencils down..."
All pencils must be down.
Turn your papers over.
Time to begin.
You may begin.
