
Kladim se da želite znati
zbog èega sam upucala kopile.

Umukni, glupaèo.
Gospodin Sunshine izvodi
"Rag konferencije za tisak".

Obratite pažnju na moljca
koji se ne mièe. Skoro...

Odakle ste?
A vaši roditelji?
Vrlo imuæni.
Gdje su sada?
Dva metra pod zemljom.
ali imala je novi poèetak
u samostanu Svetog Srca!
When'd you get here?
How old were you?
Don't remember
Then what happened?
I met Amos
And he stole my heart away
Convinced me to elope one day
Dušo draga, ne mogu povjerovati
kroz što si sve prošla.

Sirota djevojka je pobjegla kako
bi se udala. Prièaj nam o tome.

Who's Fred Casely?
My ex-boyfriend.
Why'd you shoot him?
I was leavin'.
Was he angry?
Like a madman
Still I said, Fred, move along.
Znala je da èini krivo.
Then describe it.
He came toward me.
With a pistol?
From my bureau.
Did you fight him?
Like a tiger.
On je imao snagu, a ona ne.
And yet we both reached for the gun
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes we both
Oh yes we both
Oh yes, we both reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun, the gun
Oh yes, we both reached for the gun
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun, the gun,
Oh yes, they both reached for the gun
for the gun.
understandable. understandable
Yes, it's perfectly understandable
Comprehensible. Comprehensible
Not a bit reprehensible
It's so defensible!
