Is that you, Seung-ub?
After barely a year he had a stroke.
He was paralyzed.
I kept house and farmed for him.
I've come straight from his funeral.
He left me his flute.
We'll never be stirred
by his playing again. How sad...
The flute was all he left you?
He said every painter has to know
literature. Although he was ill,
he taught me the classics.
Now my eyes can see.
It's been so long.
I'd heard you were back from China.
Sorry I took so long to come.
Thanks to you, it all went well.
I bought this in China.
"The Book of the Measure of Qi".
The author is our own Hye-gang.
He's unknown here in his homeland.
We spurn the thoughts
of such a sage...
while he's admired abroad in China.
Such a pity.
What does he say in this book?
He explains the mysteries
of the flow of Qi,
how it irrigates our five senses
and determines the nation's strength.
That would be heresy here.
They'd censor it.
That will be our country's downfall.
Our ruling class must wake up to the
future. They're asleep. It's disastrous.
I'll share this precious gift
with my reform-minded friends.