Such a beautiful painting
for a floozy...
For a kisaeng,
she was faithful to him.
She must have suffered,
living with that madman.
If she was so faithful,
why did she sell it so fast?
It's magnificent.
His greatest work yet.
What's this screen
that everyone's talking about?
I'd like to see it, at least.
The screen isn't all. There's the
painting by him in Minister Min's house
and the one that Hwang
the millionaire bought.
If it's by him, it can't be bad.
He copied Guo Xi's trees,
Huang Gong-wang's rocks
and Lin Liang's flowers and birds.
There's no harm in borrowing
from the great masters.
Capturing the essence of classics
takes talent, too.
Does alcohol make you envious?
Master Hyesan sent for you.
Master Hyesan, here,
painted the late king twice
and his majesty's portrait
last year.
Ohwon, alias Jang Seung-ub.
I've heard of you.
I've seen your work.