Somewhere in Choungchung Province,
a young man had
one of your hawk paintings.
The hawk's eye was so lifelike,
I wanted to buy it
but he said he wouldn't sell it
until the sea ran dry.
Could you paint that hawk for me?
Where did you meet this young man?
He had a small stand selling paper
at Boeun market.
"Hawk in full vigour..."
If it's the one
I remember, I suppose I could.
In those days my brush was guided,
not by me, but by a divine force.
The Master is here.
Come here and look.
That black stone.
Is it moving or not?
A humble stone must be alive
in a painter's eyes.
If a stone is alive, it's dynamic.
If it's dead, it's static.
You can't paint a dead stone.
Pan-soi. Come and look.