How is it going Rocket?
Siago, what's up?
Want to dance?
Can we go to your palce?
My parents are not home.
You're gonna be alone.
Today you can
lose your virginity!
Don't shout!
Everyone will hear!
You're pretty.
It's ok.
I know you are related to
the Shorties.
Do you think I am stupid?
You want my gang?
I just want to talk to you.
You are useless!
The Shorties
are endagering us.
Ask them to cool down.
He lets them plunder
in his ghetto,the useless.
If police come here
we're fucked.
I will do it because i like you.
Change his dipers!
Tell him that noone
plunders in my ghetto!
Shorties do not respect
the ghetto rules.
They steal from ordinary people
and rob bakeries.
You're stealing from me all the time!
However,they didn't know
the city had a new boss!