Don't worry, Cinderelly.
Us mice here to help.
Why, thank you, Jaq. We've got
a big day ahead of us tomorrow.
Um, this way, fellas.
Good morning, Your Highness.
Your Highness!
Ready for breakfast?
How does a cheese omelette sound?
The princess is missing!
You! You, girl!
Have you seen the princess?
Good morning, Prudence.
Oh, I thought you--
But those awful clothes!
Well, I-- I didn't recognize you,
Your Highness.
Allow me to introduce
your ladies in waiting.
- Beatrice and Daphne.
- Pleased to meet you.
You're just in time for breakfast.
Breakfast? Ooh, with toast and jam?
Your Highness, a princess
never prepares her own meals.
That is not how things are done.
There are rules about breakfast?
Of course there are rules,
Your Highness.
But it's certainly not your fault...
that you don't know
the traditions of the castle.
That's what the king
expects me to teach you.
I'm sure I can learn it in no time.
Mm-hmm. Come along.
There's no time to dally.
Just do as I say,
and everything will be fine.
The king would be horrified...
to find the hostess of the royal banquet
dressed like a scullery maid!
A princess must be attired
like royalty.
Do I have to wear this all the time?
Oh, of course not, Your Highness.
You'll need something
much more formal for dinner.
Couldn't I just wear
one of my own dresses?
Very amusing, Your Highness...
but it simply isn't done.
It's such a beautiful day.
Why don't we open the curtains?
No, no, no!
These curtains are never opened.
And certainly not
by a princess.
It most definitely isn't done.
Dukes and viscounts
sit nearest the king...
unless there is a marquis present.
Wouldn't it be nice if people
could just sit wherever they like?
No. You must never seat a duke...
above a marquis or below a baron.
Which colour is correct,
Your Highness?
Cream or ecru?
Um, e-e-ecru?
Goodness, no. Cream.
But there isn't any difference.
Oh, my. So much to learn.