Oh, this dance is horrifying!
The king has arrived.
What in blazes is going on here?
Your Majesty!
- Who opened those curtains?
- This is all
Princess Cinderella's doing!
Oh, what a lovely moon.
- I tried to teach her, Sire.
- Commoners in the palace?
She simply refused to listen.
- Oh, hello, Giuseppe!
- It's a scandal!
Your Majesty, I can explain.
What is this?
Your dessert, Sire.
No prunes for dessert?
An absolute outrage!
Mmm, chocolate.
My favourite!
What happened to the music?
Everybody dance!
I always said we needed
some new traditions around here.
Go on, now, Prudence.
You're missing all the fun.
- Did I miss something?
- Surprise!
Splendid job. Splendid!
It is the princess
who deserves your praise, Sire.
And I am honoured to be
at Her Highness's service.
I think we're going
to be great friends.
I told my son
he had chosen well.
You're a natural.
Hooray! Hooray!
Another dance!
I'm glad you do things
your own way.
Someday I'll get
this princess thing right.
I think that day is today.
Well, Cinderella certainly turned
things around, didn't she?
Yeah, no more big hair.
Or prunes.