City by the Sea

What's up? You guys
want to buy this guitar? $50.

-Fender Hollow Body.
-l don't play.

Come on, you'll be like Chuck Berry.
Twenty dollars. Twenty dollars.
-You want to buy a guitar?

For your brother? Your son?
Order up.
Hey, Arnie.
-Hey, Joey, how you doing?

-Hey, look, you want to buy a guitar?
-l got one.

All right. Then do me a favor.
Will you loan me $20?

l don't think so.
l got an idea, man. Why don't you
keep the guitar until l pay you back?

-That way you're safe.
-l'm not a pawnshop.

Arnie, please, man.
l just need to get straight here.

What you need, you don't pay for.
You got to pray for it.

Arnie, l don't need a fucking sermon
right now, okay? l need to get well.

All right?
Man, you know how it is. Right?

You're in for a real
fucking treat now, man.
