Because the only difference l ever see
is my money or my jewelry are missing.
This is different.
lf l don't stop this shit,
l am gonna die.
l know you heard it before,
but l'm tired of it.
You know, if l can get away,
maybe l could just clean up.
l don't know, l'll go some
place like Key West.
Do you remember when
we went to Key West?
That was a fun vacation.
l know.
The drug counselor says l'm not
allowed to give you money.
Ma, l don't want your money.
l just want you
to believe me this time.
-You don't believe me.
-No, Joey, listen--
That's all right. l gotta go.
-No, Joey. No. Joey, no.
-Ma, l gotta go.
LaMarca. Hello?
Who is this?
You must have something to say.
Well, l was here.
You missed a chance for a good talk.