City by the Sea

You know this guy?
lt's been a long time,
but l wouldn't have forgotten him.

This gonna be a problem for you,
Vince, driving out there?

When l was a kid,
everything was new.

-Everybody just bought their first car.
-Their first wife.

Now, it looks like
the Serbian army came through.

-Must've been a real nice place.
-lt was.

l'm here to see Lieutenant Katt.
-Vincent LaMarca.
-Sam, how are you?

-My partner, Reg Duffy. Sam Katt.
-Sit down. Sit down.

Putting on a little weight
sitting behind that desk.

-What brings you back to Long Beach?
-We got a floater. Robert Monroe, 25.

Probably a street dealer.
41 4 Seacrest. Got anything on him?

-We can do a run on him.
-Spelled M-O-N-R-O-E?

-Dave Simon. He sits at your desk.

-Hi, Dave.
-Reg Duffy.

l thought you'd be retired.
You got the time.

And do what?
l never learned anything else.

-lt's a bullshit job. lt is.
-He doesn't believe that.

Sure, there are better-paid gigs,
but l wouldn't give up my job.

-lt's their favorite word in Manhattan.
-He never used to talk like that.

This was paradise.
l thought l could fool myself.

Why did you leave?
He's got a lot of trespasses,
burglaries and assaults.

He did six months on Rikers lsland
for misdemeanor possession.

His alias is Picasso.
Well, Sam, thanks.
lt was good to see you.

lt was good out here for a while.
-Nice to meet you.

-Good to meet you.
-Hey, Vince. Come back anytime.

That didn't go too bad.
-He seemed okay.
-Yeah. Katt's one of the good guys.

Never fuck with a family of cops,
they don't forget.

Come over this Sunday.
Marge thinks you don't like her no more.
