-l love Marge.
-lt's the kids, then? Little bastards.
No, the kids are great.
Respectful. Well-behaved. Not like you.
But-- You got a lot
of love in your house.
When l go there, l feel uncomfortable.
-But thanks for the invitation.
-Suit yourself.
You'll miss it when it's gone.
-Sweetheart, give me a cup of coffee.
-Coming right up.
-Hey, Snake.
-Want to lend me some money?
What gives you the idea l got money?
Did you hear? Some whacko fuck
wasted Picasso last night.
They cut him up. They found his body
in the city, by the river.
-That's bad, man.
-Here you go.
So l hear you and Joey
went shopping last night.
l hear Joey Nova's Chevy Nova
got parked over in Crystal Park.
At least it sounds like Joey Nova's.
Next thing you know,
my associate, Picasso...
...seems he ain't breathing
too good anymore.