You're dead, you junkie cocksucker!
You hear me?
You're dead!
How you doing, Herb?
Can't eat, can't sleep.
A good shit is the adventure of my day.
-l got a present for you.
-When are you gonna marry that girl in 3A?
-Who said l wanted to?
-l'll marry her. You be my best man.
Only if you have a nudist wedding.
How about that? Good night.
Sprewell goes right,
fires off the three, and hits it.
Latrell Sprewell,
with 1 0.9 seconds remaining.
-Good night, you guys.
-See you.
-Hi, Terry.
-Happy anniversary.
-Shut up.
What anniversary?
You've escorted me home
every night for a year.
-l have?
-You missed a couple nights here and there.
l tend to turn things
into a habit.
-l'm a habit?
-Yeah, you're all over me like a nun.
-What is a first anniversary, paper?
-Something cheesy.
-Cheesecake? ls that what it is?
Let's go have some cheesecake.
That's a good idea.
-l was just thinking.
-About what?
About what happens next.