You see?
That's exactly what l mean.
-What's up? l got something for you.
-How much you looking for?
At least a grand.
l need some traveling money.
-Where you going?
Really? What you gonna be doing
down there?
Well, my old man manages
a hotel down there.
He'll get me a job tending bar.
One of those beach bars. You know,
palm trees. Right on the fucking sand.
-l'll give you a grand for your Nova.
-How will l get to Florida?
-l can't sell my Nova.
-This is all shit.
Look, l got a silver-plated .45.
Bring me the piece, we'll talk money.
-See you later.
-Dude, we never close, baby.
-Mr. LaMarca?
You Joey LaMarca's father?
-Who's this?
-Friend of Joey's.