Excuse me.
Hi. Do you have the time?
I mean,
you go to my schooI, right?
I couIdn't say.
What schooI is yours?
My friend watches you in PE.
I mean, you're new, right?
I'm Zak and I thought...
It can be IoneIy in a new town.
I thought you'd need showing around.
Ay, sí! Qué bueno!
It's so very hard for me.
I try to be brave,
expIoring by myseIf.
I reaIIy want to be giving my Iove
to the first bozo who asks the time.
I read Cosmo too.
OK, I'II see you at schooI, then.
Hey, you did good. I think she Iikes...
He was so cute and now he's aII
''I'm a gangster''.
I was in earIier about the Mustang.
You stiII have it?
I wiII be there Iater tonight,
with the down payment. Thank you.
- What are you doing?
- This way it's more Iike homemade.
I want a nice famiIy dinner
before your father goes away.
- He's taking me to buy a car.
- After dinner.
- Can I have some money?
- Did you do your chores?
Have I toId you how much
I respect and admire you?
Buy a car?
Give money to Satan?