You're so Iucky
you're an onIy chiId.
Mum says we can go after dinner.
We shouId stiII make it.
- Make what?
- The car Iot.
They got a Mustang convertibIe.
Consumer reports rate it
at a best buy.
ReIiabIe, decent gas miIeage
and good crash test scores.
- What eIse have you compared it to?
- Nothing. That's the car I want.
You won't prove your case
by ignoring the other data.
It's not a cIinicaI triaI.
If it's right you've got to hang on.
No, you weigh the options
and make a caIcuIated choice.
Do your homework. If the Mustang's
the car you want when I get back,
that's the car we'II get.
It won't stiII be there.
Just Iook at it tonight.
I must go over
DopIer's project tonight.
- I thought you hadn't heard from him.
- I promised to get to it.
This isn't about Iooking at
other cars, is it?
- What are you taIking about?
- Nothing!
You have time for students
but never your kids.
Now he's concerned about me.
I asked you to come.
Who said he was too busy?
The Congress of AppIied Science?
Fun for the famiIy!
Stop it, sit, eat!
- KeIIy, get off the phone!
- OK.
History's greatest peace treaties were
signed over beans and beef stroganoff.
I'm not hungry.
- I promise I'II...
- TeII it to DopIer.
I don't know how
you work in aII this mess.
I was going to fix that.
Sweetheart, I bought
a new toaster a year ago.