Come in.
- Hey.
- Hey.
So, anything you want
to taIk about before I go?
No, I'm OK.
This is...
It's my itinerary and my hoteI
in case you need to get in touch.
Have fun with your science friends.
We'II work it out when I get back.
Mr Gates, I don't make poIicy
but I do enforce it.
So they're shutting me down?
You knew it was
a ''BIack Ops'' contract.
The administration
want it to go away.
You need to make them understand
the significance of what we're doing.
I supported you on this as Iong
as I couId, but they've got a point.
What if one of the Saddam's
of the worId got hoId of it?
He can waItz through an army, pIant
an A-bomb in the President's bath,
and aII our bombs and sateIIites
couIdn't stop him.
I've not even finished it and they have
me seIIing it on the bIack market?
Mr Gates, the NSA expect your
research, your equipment,
the whoIe thing
ready for pick-up on Monday.