
How dramatic...
...and charming!
AII right, bring him down.
HeIIo, Dr DopIer.
How are things in hypertime?

How are things in hypertime?
Look at me!

In a week,
it's Iike I've aged 20 years.

- At Ieast, maybe more.
- Why not just kiII me now?

I was hoping it wouIdn't be necessary.
It's your own fauIt.

If you'd soIved the ageing gIitch, we
wouIdn't have had to bring you back.

The moIecuIar stabiIisers shouId
reverse the ageing effects.

But I'm having a IittIe troubIe
with the programme and...

- The NSA wants our toys in 3 days.
- They're toys, right?

They don't know the watches work.
I've no intention of turning them over.

Besides, how can I enjoy hypertime
if I use it and end up Iooking oId?

Like you!
Now I want this fixed in 48 hours.

Dude, that's impossibIe!
WeII then, I guess
I wiII have to kiII you.

Wait, wait, wait! Wait!
Maybe I couId do it faster.
I'm stiII waiting on
data from a friend.

A friend?
