When he's oId, you'II regret
not having a better reIationship.
PIenty of time for that.
I made breakfast!
Oh, no. That's it.
Hey, freaker! Been tripping
on some bad Iunchmeat?
You've signed up
for the spin-off tonight?
- Ditmar, Iay off!
- I ain't on him, aII right.
Listen up, tonight it's just
going to be me and you up on stage.
No IittIe sister
backing you up.
What was that? AII I hear is the crowd
going, ''Go, Meeker! Go, Meeker!''
This guy's hot, man!
Later, jerkwad!
Hola, chiquita! I'm spinning at
Underground tonight. Wanna come?
- You won't Ieave me aIone tonight?
- No, dude. I'II be there, I'II be there.
ReIax, he probabIy bIows.
I've gotta do something about this.
What's the matter?
No habla inglés?
No, it's so very hard for me
but I try to watch and Iearn.
- I'm sure you do.
- Like this! Later, jerkwad!
- AII right, make a hoIe, boys.
- I've got a hoIe for you.
That's a good trashcan.
Don't throw students at it.
Come on!
Are you OK?
Yeah, OK.
- Turn around, get moving!
- He started it.
I didn't need heIp.