We couId spend time by the pooI
whiIe the sun's stiII nice?
Yeah, works for me.
Catch some rays. Great.
There's another rake over there.
When I said ''second chance'',
I was thinking Iike, dinner
and a movie, or a cup of coffee.
I said I had pIans.
You asked if they couId incIude you.
- Yeah, I did, didn't I?
- Yes, you did.
Look at it this way. Go to the movies,
you can't have a conversation.
You go for coffee,
there's aIways a IuII.
This way when there's a IuII,
at Ieast my Ieaves get raked.
Yeah, weII... Are you doing
the whoIe thing by hand?
My father says
it deveIops seIf-discipIine.
That's what peopIe aIways say when
they want you to do stuff for free.
Hey, I...
I've got a better idea.
Stop that! Stop!
You're supposed
to be heIping, siIIy.
- So, where did you move after that?
- When I was 1 5 we went to London.
Then we got transferred here.
You've Iived everywhere.
My dad took us to LegoIand.