This is weird.
- How did you do that?
- I've no idea.
I don't know what you're up to,
but out you go. Come on, out!
Let's go!
- Out!
- Wait, something weird is going on.
- You and your rat, that's weird.
- I swear. I just push this button...
Lo veo, pero no lo creo.
That's what I'm saying.
...you did this?
I think it was the watch.
My dad consuIts on these secret
projects. I think this is one of them.
So...your watch stops time?
No. Look.
It's moving.
QT. QT! That's...
That's where DopIer works.
My dad's heIping him on this.
It acceIerates your moIecuIes so that
everything eIse seems to stand stiII.
I don't think time has stopped,
we're just moving reaIIy fast.