
Are you sure you don't want
me to come? I've got this pIan.

OK, man!
- See you Monday, Meeker.
- Good night.

- OK, have fun making out.
- Watch this!

Yeah, that's reaI funny!
You're abusing your powers, man.

I'm gonna caII the Super Friends
on you. I'm gonna get you for this.

- So?
- So?

That didn't turn out so bad,
Mr Second Chance Man.

I figure, if you make a bad first
impression, things can onIy get better.

Right, and you take
the prize on both counts.

WeII...I'd better go.
- Now?
- Yeah.

At midnight my father bIinks the Iight,
and I turn back into a pumpkin.

I shouId go, too. AIthough,
midnight couId be a Iong time off.

Stop! You think that magic watch
is going to get you a kiss?

- I just wanted more time with you.
- You don't need magic.

What? I wanted to kiss you.
Sweet dreams,
Mr Second Chance Man. I had fun.
