- Let's be best friends forever.
- We will.
Now, I don't even remember
what our wishes were--
except for one.
We wished that we'd be
best friends forever.
Well, that wish
didn 't come true.
I see you on the street
andyou walk on by
You make me wanna hang
my head down and cry
Ifyou gave me
halfthe chance, you'd see
My desire burning inside ofme
But you choose
to look the other way
I've had to work
much harder than this
For something I want
Don 't try to resist me
Open your heart to me, baby
I hold the lock
andyou hold the key--
- Lucille Wagner!.
- Pop?.
- Baby, we're gonna be late.
- I was just--
- Did you practice your speech?.
- I almost have it.
Lucy, how's it gonna look if the
valedictorian messes up her speech?.
Don't wrinkle your robe.
Just ironed it forya.
Okay, big day!. Come on!
See ya on deck! Let's go!
Toads do look like frogs.
It's just one's, you know,
in the water and one's not.
It doesn't--
It could happen to anybody.
Hey, Mimi!
I know you want me.