You have a really nice house.
Thankyou, Lucy.
Tucson seems like
a really nice city.
It is.
Can I askyou
why you're here, Lucy?.
Can I askyou
why you're here, Lucy?.
I wanted to see you.
And why was that, Lucy?.
Well, you're my mother.
Why do you keep
saying my name like that?.
Hold on a moment.
Sweetie, tell Joey's mommy I said
you could swim for another hour...
ifyou put on more sunscreen.
I don't want you to burn.
Daddy will pickyou up at 5:00.
I love you.
- I have brothers?.
- Well, yes.
- How old are they?.
- Ten and seven.
Do they know about me?.
Lucy, I think we need
to have a talk.
Wait, seven, eight.
Five, six--