Yes, Jamison?
This isn't Jamison.
It is Morgan Sullivan.
- What do you want, Mr. Sullivan?
- I need your help.
I want to hire Sebastian Rooks.
- Still there?
- Goodbye, Mr. Sullivan.
- I'll pay for his services.
- He doesn't work for individuals.
Tell him to make an exception.
I'll do whatever it takes.
You're on your own. I'm sorry.
No... No!
- Listen, you got to help me.
- There is nothing I can...
You got to help me, please.
You said I could trust you.
I believed you when you said that.
Meet me at the carwash at fourth and
Jefferson in three hours.
Morgan! We're sending you on
your first assignment next week.
Our surveillance of your house has already paid off.
We know exactly what sort of data
DigiCorp is trying to steal from us.
So, tonight, you'll say that you're
going out of town on a business trip.
Now, you know how to tell her that, right?
- Morgan?
- Yes.
You'll stick to the script Morgan.
You won't try anything risky.
You understand me?
Sebastian Rooks has agreed to help you.
- When does he want to meet me?
- Not yet. He is in the car behind us.