When I touch you ,
you jump and scratch .
Admit it's weird .
Say something .
No answer?
If you don't want to go out,
just say so.
Don't endIessIy change the subject!
I said I didn't want to.
And I don't want
to discuss the accident!
Don't go to any more parties
without me.
You were on the make. Admit it.
Are you sure?
WaIking in dark yards aII aIone
sounds fishy to me.
I've had a proposition too.
From a woman?
A job offer.
What job?
In a bank.
They head-hunted me.
They want a new image.
They need a business journaIist.
I'd heIp to design
their new P.R. strategy.
-I'm not so sure.
Exciting , yes.
Good money, new job,
but it feeIs Iike seIIing out.
I'II show you the dossier.
You'II wear a suit!