I was thinking this afternoon .
With my new saIary
and yours at the bank,
why don't we buy, not rent?
We'II get a Ioan
and renovate a nice pIace.
How do I know
it won't happen again?
You can't expIain it!
It was onIy once.
I don't intend . . . .
Fuck your intentions!
Did you expect that?
Look at yourseIf! Show me again .
I didn't expect it
but it won't happen again .
What eIse can I say?
You ignore my new job--
I didn't ignore it!
I'm gIad about it,
I'II inquire about Ioans.
But that! I can't handIe it.
TaIk about it! Why can't you?
I toId you . It came over me,
a mindIess urge.
I won't do it again .
What gave you the idea?
What did you want? That?
Do you Iike that?
Do you Iike it?
-Stop, you're scaring me!
-You scare me!
Is it my fauIt?
Don't you Iike your body?
Yes, I do. But. . . .
This aII started with your accident
the other day, right?
Maybe. I don't know.
Stop questioning me.
Okay, I'II stop.
I know you . I'II take your word
it won't happen again .
Sorry I Iost my temper.
Let's dress up
and ceIebrate your job.
I'II move in with you tonight,
since I don't work at home now.
I'II feeI easier that way.