I'm sure.
I'd Iike to traveI too,
in a few years.
We're part of a European group.
We can move around .
-Where wouId you go?
-Lisbon .
Oh? Why?
I go there on vacation .
I Iike the feeI ,
the superior quaIity of Iife,
the peopIe, the mentaIity.
It's onIy a 3-hour fIight.
-That's quick.
-A good compromise.
Foreign , but stiII European .
I doubt I couId Iive
in a totaIIy aIien cuIture,
but I Iike Lisbon .
Excuse me.
-Sorry. Go ahead .
-No hurry, Madam .
I don't Iike the way
Lisbon has changed since the Expo.
I used to Iike the city's
timeIessness and authenticity.
The Expo changed so much .
The Vasco da Gama bridge,
the Barrio AIto. . . .
I found it Iost its charm .
Not at aII . The innovations
were very good for the city.
They made Iife easier.
Creativity has bIossomed .
You see creativity?
DefiniteIy. AII those pIaces, Iike. . . .
There's an interesting spIit
between everyday Iife,
which is more provinciaI
than metropoIitan ,
and the styIe and ambiance
of dinner at the AIcantara
or a pIace Iike the Lux,
or the KremIin . FabuIous!
Much more inventive
than most pIaces in Paris.
I don't know Lisbon .
You'd advise me to go?
I think it's a marveIous pIace.
Life there is stress-free
and pIeasant,
but the entertainment
is first cIass.
Rather Iike Rome, no?
Rome is the exact reverse.
It has the cuIturaI poverty
of a provinciaI town ,
and aII the aggravation of a big city.
-You're exaggerating .
-You don't Iike Rome?
Not much , no.
-Why not?
-I don't know.
My remark was offhand .