-Listen, Mr. Mopes.
The reason I'm here....
Kidnet is currently looking
for a performer...
...with convictions and integrity.
Somebody like yourself.
Hold the phone.
Kidnet is finally ready to pursue
a show of Smoochy caliber?
I mean, to commit to Smoochy quality?
Yes, I believe we're ready
to push ourselves to that level.
I knew it!
I knew it. I knew
if I waited long enough...
...I knew somebody
would come along one day...
...who took a look at me
and understood what I do.
That's you. You get me.
I'm afraid so.
Well, Nora Wells,
Miss V.P. of Development...
...let's you and me go make history!
I like it.
Get your $50 bump for working
in smoke this week.