Hey, Spinner.
Come here and meet the senator.
You go ahead. It was a real honor.
-Smoochy's here!
-That's nice for you.
Wait till I tell my folks
I met Spinner Dunn.
-The one and only.
-Seems like a sweet guy.
Don't go anywhere, Smoochy.
I'll be right back after I take a dump.
I think you made a new friend, kid.
Since Randolph got pinched, there's air
in the pipes. How are you fixing it?
The rhino's still a little green.
Eventually, he'll come around.
He has to get a taste
of how we do things.
I have no time for "eventually."
Eventually, we get old and die.
Sometimes "old" doesn't happen.
I'm doing my best.
The network is watching closely.
You got a problem, son.
The rhino better learn
to play ball, and soon.
Otherwise, he might need
a little coaching.
Wipe your forehead, Frank.
You got plenty of time to sweat.
-Who is it?
-Open up, baby, it's Randolph.
It's been a long time.
-Angie. Fucking traitor!
-You left me for the rhino!
-I gotta eat, don't I?
You strapped that horn on pretty fast!
You're a Krinkle Kid, say it!
-Say it. "I am a Krinkle Kid."
Say it before God
and all the bones of the saints!
I'm a Rhinette, got that?!
The Krinkle Kids
are 10 feet under. With you.
I missed you so much!
Can I stay here?
I got no place else to go.