Congratulations, Sheldon.
-Congratulations, Mr. Mopes.
-Thanks a lot.
Mr. Mopes, let me get that for you.
Your office is over here.
If you need anything, let me know.
No, I gotta work tonight. I can't.
I'll come Sunday.
Okay. That's--
I want to talk to you
for a little bit.
Ma, can I call you back?
Some asshole's screaming at me.
Thanks. Bye.
-You didn't have to get off.
-lf I didn't, you'd still be here.
-I am.
I'm hoping to correct that.
Listen, Nora.
I can understand it might feel
a little awkward for you...
...maybe intimidating,
now that the power has changed.
I still value your input.
And I consider you a partner.
Never. Even if I live to be 1000
and see the second coming of Christ.
I know we're not partners yet.
Let's make a game plan.
Let's pencil in a few lunch dates,
or go on a retreat!
Just you and me, alone.
Chewing the fat, exchanging ideas.
Let's plant the seeds
of a collaboration.
Plant this!
You know, Nora...
...has anyone ever
suggested to you that yoga...
...maybe a high colonic,
could loosen you up?
-Get out, hippie!
-You get out!
You get out!
You don't get to tell this boy
what to do anymore, you uptight....
I'm gonna halt here.
HALTis a self-recognition technique.
Hungry, angry, Ionely, tired.
I won't get sucked
into your negative energy.
Want me? I'll be in my office.
It's the big one. With a view.