But you can make a dent.
No one has ever refused an ice show.
Until now. Smoochy doesn't sell out.
That's it!
You should be proud to have a client
who can say that.
Yeah, I'm doing backflips.
Wasn't that fun, in an
awkward sort of way?
It sure was!
Did I do good? I did good, right?
-You did great, buddy.
-I'm gonna go get drunk now.
Okay, be careful.
-Hey, lady.
-Hey, nice job.
Casting mental patients.
I like that.
Cut that out. Golly, he's not
a mental patient.
He's a nightclub owner and an
ambassador for his sport.
He just has the sweet disposition
of a 5-year-old.
And a cousin named Tommy Cotter.
At least he's got a sense of humor!
That's more than I can say
for some people.
-Hi, there.
-How are you doing?
Get in.
That's okay. I'll grab a cab.
Humor me, rhino.
How do you like that?
Merv Green. Nice to meet you.
Ever try saying that without the gun?
I represent the Parade of Hope.
Maybe you've heard of us.