Hell of a world.
What do you want?
Can you spare 60 seconds
for a smiley old face from your past?
Hello, kitten.
Here's the good news.
You and Frank are in a bind.
I'd be happy to end my sabbatical
and come back.
I could start Monday. No meat.
When did you become a vegetarian?
Call costumes and props and tell them
that the old R-man is back.
Ready to start whistling tunes
for the kids.
Whose toes you gotta suck
to get a drink?
You got three seconds
to pry your ass off my couch.
You need someone for that slot
and I'm here to reclaim what's mine.
In case you forgot, you're a criminal
and a scumbag.
Have you forgotten what we once had?
That was a long time ago.
I was young and stupid.
And limber. Why we broke up,
I'll never know.
You were an asshole,
and I didn't love you.
We could have worked through that.
Goddamn it, Nora!
The public is clamoring for me.
I'm a patriot compared to Mopes.
He's a Nazi and gay.
He was checking me out in the car.
-What's that mean?
He was checking you out in what car?
No, I'm just saying
it's a vibe, you know?
Kind of a homosexual Nazi vibe.
Something that emanates from the TV.
What's with the costume?
Big erect horn.
You're talking fast.
What do you mean? I'm not.
I still love you, Nora.
Were you at that rally?