Do you understand this?
Nimm mich mit! Nimm mich mit!
Nimm mich...
Starinski, deaI with him
Look IiveIy Iads. We don't know
how many others are stiII in here
Okay, on your feet. Come on, on your feet
AIright, nice and gentIy, hip and
shouIders, just roII him over gentIy
Come on, come on, come on. Good man,
good man Chevasse. Now I have to Iook
I have to Iook. Good man, good man, sssh
Come on, come on Chevasse
Oh, God. It hurts
Put your hand here
Yes, sir
How is he?
I think he's cut his spine
The chances are that it'II turn gangrenous
and er, I'm aImost out of morphine
I couId read to him
Yes, why don't you because that'II heIp
What'II we do, sir?
Stay here. HoId the trench
Sir, if I don't get him back
to our support trench, he wiII die
I know
Thank you, CorporaI
Yes, sir
Okay, Iisten
We've captured a forward, German trench
It's a rare achievement, gentIemen
It may be vitaI to the war effort
We wiII hoId this trench untiI
we are reinforced. We must...
...that is our duty
Get some scoff on, get a brew going...
See if we can't make the best of it, eh?
Make the best of it?
He makes it sound Iike a bIoody hoIiday
I went to BIackpooI once
I kiIIed a man there. Yeah, it was nice