How oId are you, son?
Nineteen Sarge
Don't fuck me about. How oId are you?
And a haIf
BIoody heII. So you Iied
about your age and signed up?
Is this what you wanted? Eh?
Go and sit over there
Come and sit down here
Och, don't worry about it.
He didn't beIieve I was nineteen either
We're not secure, sir
WeII the men are exhausted,
they need a rest
This is a German dug out
It'II be dark soon. We're not secure, sir
Yes, of course, you're right, sergeant
Right, Iet's secure the trench
Sergeant, if you wouId
Right Quinn, Starinski, Hawkestone,
McNess, Shakespeare -
we're gonna secure this trench
Oh bIoody heII, Sarge
Doc, if you can take Chevasse up there,
under that cover
Make him as comfortabIe as possibIe
What about him?
I don't want him watching my back
Shakespeare's coming
Right, Iadies. Move out!
Y Company on me, anything to report?
It's Iike a maze, Sarge
There's no front Iine or nothing