What's the fuckin' point of that?
Maybe they forgot where the war was
FeeIs Iike the war was in here
Right Iads, Iisten up.
If we're going to hoId this trench
we need to make it
a smaIIer area to defend
We'II set charges here,
here and twenty yards down there,
on the right
That'II bring down
this section of the dugout
After that, we rest
Come on, move it!
Who's going to be hiding here?
WeII, that German and his paIs for one
HeIp me
It's just pure Iuck you made it this far,
isn't it, Shakespeare?
We've wired up the detonator right,
haven't we?
If you've got it wrong
you'II bIow us aII to heII
Don't you trust me, huh?
WeII, that's a good sign
AIright, heads down
Why isn't...
Jesus Christ, did you hear that?
Good work Iads
What bIoody good is that?
OnIy haIf as much to defend now,
isn't there?