Captain Jennings. Captain!
We've Iost Y company
No, no this is Y company.
There are survivors
We've Iost Y company
What is it?
Have you made contact?
Yes, sir
WeII done
Y Company. There are no survivors
Repeat. There are no survivors
This is Captain BramweII Jennings,
Y Company, 5th BattaIion
We have captured a forward German trench
Location unknown.
We need urgent support, over
Y Company
Yes, Y Company
There are no survivors.
There are no survivors
What's that mean?
Why are they saying that?
It's a mistake, it's a mistake.
They'II send support
But if they think we're dead
they won't try to find us...
It's a mistake. It's a mistake
Y Company?
The survivors of Y Company
have regrouped. We are...
Don't teII the men
But sir...
Do you understand me, don't teII the men
It's a mistake. They wiII find us
Get down!
Get down, you fuckin' Hun bastard
Fuck you!