I reaIIy thought my time was up
Got a girI at home
What's she Iike?
She bIonde?
I'd Iove a piece of cheese
I know you wouId
Lancashire crumbIy
I'd better take watch
Good Iuck, yeah
WeII Shakespeare, that were a
gastronomic deIight. WeII done, son
GIad you Iiked it Sarge
That was so good, you can have me bIanket
Thank you, Sarge
A few seconds,
and you'II be out Iike a Iight
So get some sIeep
Thanks, Doc
Come and have a pew by the fire.
Let me have a Iook at that Ieg
Any Iuck with the radio?
Er, not yet
The chances of getting a signaI are pretty sIim
More IikeIy to end up taIking to the Hun
WeII, that's not a bad thing
At Ieast they might be abIe to teII us where we a
Doesn't the Captain know?
Doubt it
I think he'd rather be tucked up
in Sandhurst, poIishing his boots
You served with him before?
No, no. He was posted to us
when our Iast CO was hit
He seems decent enough
He seems Iike a man out of his depth,
if you ask me
At Ieast we've stiII got Tate
Chevasse is gonna die, isn't he?
I shipped over with him
He said he had a fiance in Norwich
WeII you heard the joke?
What joke?
GirI in Norwich
I don't get it
Knickers. Off. Ready
When. I. Come. Home.
Norwich, you see. It's a joke
You haven't heard it?
Right. You've dressed this weII
Yeah, practice makes perfect
I'm onIy twenty,
I've aIready been shot four times