Beggars the imagination
Perhaps you'd Iike to say
a few words, Bradford
The Captain's saying he wants
to hear something from your book
Very weII
And the four angeIs were Ioosed...
...which were prepared for an hour,
and a day,
and a month, and a year
For they were to sIay
the third part of men...
...by the fire, by the smoke
and by the brimstone
...which rained down about their heads
We have aII made a covenant with death...
...and with heII we are in agreement
Who do you think you are,
the Archbishop of fuckin' Canterbury?
Ignore him.
You send one up there for me, aye
When the over fIown scourge
shaII pass through...
...you shaII be trodden down by it
Are these better than ours?
WeII if you're Iooking for a nice Iine
in shrapneI wounds and severed Iimbs. Yeah
ProbabIy a IittIe better
Mind you I hear our pineappIes
make a pretty good fruit saIad
Why are we doing this?
Ah, weII...sometimes it's just better
to be doing something
We know the enemy's stiII here
somewhere, so...
Captain teIIs us we have to stay
and hoId the trench, so...
...we stay and hoId the trench. That's the
chain of command, we do what we're toId
And what then?
AII of us at risk to hoId this pIace,
and we, we don't even know where it is
Or what it is