but his car?
That really got me angry.
What the fuck
is wrong with you?
I'm gettin' calls
from Mikey Festo.
Who are you
to strong-arm anyone?
There's no disrespect to you,
He's gonna rent the store
to Philly and his crew.
They're gonna deal junk
out of there.
If I ever hear that word out of
your mouth again in my club...
that'll be your last word.
This ain't your block.
We all know what happened
to your brother Sal.
-I'm sorry for your...
His name was Alfonse Michael.
We called him Alley Boy.
Alley Boy.
We're all sorry
for your loss...
but he was a little junkie,
wasn't he?
Wasn't he?
Yes or no.
Mikey Festo
doesn't own that store.
I do...
and I'm gonna do
whatever I want with it.
So mind your own business.
Wear your jacket,
sing your songs...
do whatever the fuck it is
that you kids do.
Just stay out of my way.
Alley Boy.