You movin' in?
That's smart.
You're a clever boy.
Where'd you live before?
President Street.
Yeah? Always there?
Before that, I crawled out
from between my mother's legs.
You got any more questions?
What, are you just gonna
stand there...
or are you gonna help me?
That's Vipers territory.
I'm a Deuce.
-That's--that's funny.
Come on.
It's just a line in the street.
Not to me. I'm sorry.
You're a real Prince Charming,
you know?
Give me that.
It's heavy.
Hey, Bobby, come here.
I'm talkin'.
Get up here, now.
Hey, Annie.
She's nice, right?
The little fox
with the ponytail?
They ain't foxes.
They're the Velvets.
Do you know
who I was just talkin' to?
Yeah. That's Annie--
Annie the ice cube.
What do you know about her?
She's Jimmy Pockets' sister.
That says it all.
What? They're related?
See, I told you we should have
killed that bastard.
You stay away from her.
We got enough trouble.