Hey, Bobby. Bobby, man,
they jumped Little Jack.
They jumped him, man.
-Take it easy.
-He's all right.
The Vipers jumped me
in the park.
Oh, I'm gonna kill 'em!
All right. Cool it. Cool it.
We gotta get Leon.
Hey, Scooch, you know where
Betsy's baby-sittin'?
Go tell Leon it's going down
in the park. Go!
Bobby, man,
you want my guys now?
Yeah, all you can bring.
All right, man. You can
count on us. We'll be there.
Let's get these motherfuckers!
-They jumped Little Jack.
-Call an ambulance.
-Guys, come on!
-No more fightin', Bobby!
I'm sorry.
I didn't do anything wrong.
I'll get it. I'll get it.
-What's wrong?
The Vipers jumped Little Jack.
Come on, hurry up.
-The park.