You gonna tell me what happened,
or I gotta read your mind?
It went down just like you said.
We were destroying them,
and then out of nowhere...
Leon shows up,
and then it gets bad.
You're tellin' me one guy
took on our whole crew?
Yeah. He went crazy.
Shut up. Goddamn, do I gotta
do everything myself?
-Where is he?
-How should I know?
Ask Father Aldo.
He's gonna make him a saint.
Jesus don't listen
to no snitches.
From now on,
I want you to tell me...
every fuckin' move he makes,
you understand me?
It's good to see you, Marco.
Oh, there he is.
The cavalry
and his lovely tomato.
-Great last night, Leon.
-Like the old days.
Hey, guys, don't egg him on,
all right?
-How you feelin'?
-Like a million dollars.
Leon, you gotta teach me
how to fight like you.
What are you talkin' about,
You're gonna be the new
center fielder for the Dodgers.
You're takin'
Duke Snider's spot.
Come on.
Come here!
Don't go.
-He's callin' me.
-What are you, a dog?
-Then let him come here.
What if he has something
important to tell me?
Well, you can let him
tell you here.
Bobby, what's wrong with you?
Go on to your brother,
puppy dog.
I'll be right back.
Don't go nowhere.
What'd I do this time?
I wanted to tell you you did
the right thing last night.
I did?
Yeah, they jumped Little Jack.
What were you supposed to do?
-You mean you're not mad?
-I ain't mad.