My African military friends owe you
many thanks, Colonel Moon.
Few men have the guts to trade
conflict diamonds since the U.H. embargo.
I know all about the U.H.
I studied at Oxford and Harvard.
Majored in Western hypocrisy.
From your modest collection of cars,
I wouldn't have guessed.
Show me the diamonds.
Show me the weapons.
Bring the weapons.
Hiding weapons
in the de-militarised zone.
- It's a bit of a minefield out there.
- America's cultural contribution.
One million landmines. And
my hovercrafts float right over them.
RPGs, flamethrowers,
automatic weapons...
...and enough ammunition to run
a small war.
My diamonds?
Check it over quick.
Don't blow it all at once.
no..I have special plans
for this consignment.
His name is James Bond,
a British assassin.