A man called Gustav Graves
discovered diamonds there...
...a year or so ago.
Yet they're identical
to conflict diamonds.
What an amazing coincidence.
How can he escape
from a British warship...
Rihgt..in the middle of Hong Kong
harbor, right under your nose?
- Interesting station, Moneypenny?
- I got a storm warning.
You were supposed
to throw away the key...
...not leave the door wide open.
Are you implying I had a hand
in his escape?
Well, Bond got away real fast,
didn't he?
It is what he's trained to do.
Your boy's been very busy in his training.
He show up in Cuba and torches a clinic.
Listen, you put your house in order...
...or we're gonna do it for you.
Your drink, sir.
Lucky I asked for it shaken.
- When's he coming?
- I don't know.
- Looks like your man not gonna make it.
-acually He's right on time.