oh look, parachutes
for the both of us.
oops not anymore.
You see, Mr. Bond,
you can't kill my dreams.
But my dreams can kill you.
Time to face destiny.
Time to face gravity.
My protege.
Gorgeous, isn't she?
She took the gold at Sydney.
- By default, if I remember.
- Default?
The one who beat her
OD'd on steroids.
Miranda deserved that gold.
and Now she's teaching Graves
how to win one.
He only plays for cash.
He's won so much,
nobody else wants to fight him.
You wanna meet him?
I think I broke her heart.
Lead on.
- Gustav?
- Verity.
Looks like we're
going down together.
- And Mr...?
- Bond.
Not yet.