She's lucky she got away.
The other three dead kids
were all tattooed the same way.
All of them died from catastrophic
serological reaction to blood...
human blood of the wrong type,
injected into their veins.
They were all type "O".
Heather's type "AB".
So what are you saying? She's got
the killer's blood in her veins?
So, what did you see, Michael?
Nothing much. A face.
- Man or woman?
- Man.
- The killer?
- I don't know.
- Could you identify him?
- How?
- Well, we can make a photo fit.
- No.
So that 's it?
I guess so.
I haven't got 5OO quid.
I don't have to be
a mind-reader to know that.
Stars in the night sky...