Batteries. Where the hell
am I gonna find batteries?
Moloch, Gog, Drammlach,
Lord of the Rats.
Hear the darkness beseech.
Hear the Darkness.
The Fabric of Sorrow
beseech thee.
Yield once more
the Contagion of Woe.
What are you doing?
Did I wake you?
It 's 3 o'clock in the morning!
I can't sleep.
Two nights in a row. Don't tell me
we're gonna go down that road again.
I'm just...
I'm thinking about the baby.
You promised if we went
somewhere completely different...
I will be okay. Okay?
I'll be up in a minute.
- Take a pill, Michael.
- I did.
Take another one.
What are his qualifications?
Is he even a medical man?
Is he certified in any specialties?
Do we know anything about him at all?
- What does he charge?
- He's working for free.
- That 's pretty damn suspicious.
- He got through to her. She talked.
Why didn't you say so sooner?
What did she say?
Only gibberish, but it 's a start.