Where the hell are we now?.
I heard a cracking story about this place.
You what?.
PeopIe disappear out here.
Happens all the time.
Go on, Cooper, lad, give it some boolocks.
It's true.
Just Iast month a young coupIe were hiking
through these woods.
They set up camp somewhere near here.
During the night - something happened.
A mountain rescue team found the remains
of the camp a couple of days alter.
The tent was ripped to shreds
and there was blood everywhere!
The papers said it was a monster
like The Beast of Bodmin Moor.
Locals claimed it was an escaped lunatic.
But no-one's been caught so nothing
can be proved either way.
Every year more and more peopIe
come through here...
... and every one in a whiIe
they don't come back.
No trace, no bodies -- just disappear...
... and never seen again.