That and those IittIe things
that make your skin crawl...
... and the hair stand up
on the back of your neck.
You mean like Spoon?.
No, there's one thing actually, in particular...
... that I'll remember till the day that I die.
Yeah, it was back in ninety-one,
just before my unit was flown out to Kuwait...
... to mop up the last pockets of resistance.
Me and this young fella called Eddie Oswald...
... decided to go and get a tattoo done...
... to commemorate our first trip into the desert.
Yeah, I remember Eddie.
He was a stocky hard case...
... with a broken nose and a bong eye, yeah?.
Yeah, that's him. Good-Iooking fella.
Big hit with the ladies.
Anyway, me and Eddie,
we went and had a few drinks...
... we had a lot of drinks...
... then we went down to the tattoo parIour
and I got a Deser Rat done...
... and Eddie being Eddie wanted something
with a bit more meaning.
And being a bit of a believer...
... he said that his soul still belonged to God...
... but his fIesh, well, his fIesh
was way beyond redemption...
... and it was up to Satan to save his skin.
So he got this fucking great Iaughing deviI
tattooed right on his arse.
Anyway, about six days Iater we were making a
regular sweep along the lraqi border...
... and Eddie, poor fucker,
triggered an anti-tank mine.
Yeah. We all saw it happen.
I mean, he was on point.
White blinding lightning flash and
a fucking deafening crack.
And by the time we picked ourseIves up
off the deck, Eddie was...
... he was gone.
Just bits and pieces of him.
That's all that remained.
This big fucking red circle. Hundred metres.
I'll tell you something, Iads,
it really puts things in perspective...
... when you have to scoop your mate up
with a shovel and
stick him in a bin-bag.
Anyway, the thing that...
... really did our nuts in that day was when you...